Living History Lectures ~ Tames Alan
Historical, educational, hysterical. One costumed woman tells it like it WAS.

Tames Alan is known for her in-depth research and lively presentational style.
She kindles a thirst for history while entertaining the audiences with her knowledge and humor."
Pierce & King County Libraries

Josephine Cochrane, a socialite with no formal education in science, invented the first commercially successful dishwashing machine, securing a patent in 1886 and presenting it at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair where she won an award for its design and durability. The company she established, Cochran's Crescent Washing Machine Company, eventually became KitchenAid.
Tames’ head is full of random historical facts from her research, and this is where she shares them. New facts are added bi-monthly, so check back regularly to see what Tames has dug up.
Click here for more Historical Facts

Get a little taste of history!
Every month, Tames posts a new, authentic historical recipe.
This month's recipe is:
Sour Cream Chocolate Bit Cake